Graphics Plus
Graphics Plus.iso
Text File
272 lines
The image processing program used at JPL. Has been under continuous
development since the 1960's. Available from the Computer Software
Management and Information Center (COSMIC) for $4000 and requires a
license agreement. Contact COSMIC at the following for more details:
The University of Georgia
382 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602
Telephone: (404) 542-3265
Email: cosmic@uga.bitnet (bitnet)
service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu (internet)
Written by myself and Mike Martin at JPL, and Archie Warnock at Goddard
Space Flight Center. Available via anonymous ftp at ames.arc.nasa.gov
[] in the pub/SPACE/SOFTWARE directory, under the file
imdisp56.zip. IMDISP is on the GRIPS 2 CDROM, and can also be obtained
free from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) at the Goddard
Space Flight Center:
National Space Science Data Center
Request Coordination Office
Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 633
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Telephone: (301) 286-6695
Email address: request@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov
Incidently, this is also the same place you can get the Voyager and
Magellan CDROMs.
o PixelPusher (Macintosh).
Written by Dan Stanfill at JPL. Available on the GRIPS 2 CDROM, and I'm
working on making it available via anonymous ftp.
o xloadimage (Sun).
Written by Herr Frost. Available via anonymous ftp at
export.lcs.mit.edu [] in the contrib directory. The patches
to support VICAR are in a separate file at convex.com [] and
are in pub/xl.3.0.1.patches.Z. Anthony Datri wrote the VICAR patches.
___ _____ ___
/_ /| /____/ \ /_ /| Ron Baalke | baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov
| | | | __ \ /| | | | Jet Propulsion Lab |
___| | | | |__) |/ | | |__ M/S 301-355 | "Imagination is more
/___| | | | ___/ | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | important than knowledge"
|_____|/ |_|/ |_____|/ | Albert Einstein
1 Introduction
This document describes the format of a simple two-dimensional
VICAR2 image and the attached label.
2 VICAR2 File Format
A VICAR2 image file in its simplest form is a file with fixed-length
records containing binary data and an ASCII label. The label takes up
one or more records at the beginning of the file, and is further
described in section 3 below. The image data begins on the next record
boundary after the label. There is one record per image line, and the
number of bytes in a record is equal to the number of bytes in one image
line. The image data can be any one of the following data types,
indicated by a keyword in the image label:
BYTE: 8 bits = VAX byte
HALF: 16 bits = 2 bytes = VAX word = Fortran INTEGER*2
FULL: 32 bits = 4 bytes = VAX longword = Fortran INTEGER*4
REAL: 32 bits = 4 bytes = VAX longword = Fortran REAL*4
DOUB: 64 bits = 8 bytes = VAX quadword = Fortran REAL*8
COMPLEX: 64 bits = 8 bytes = VAX quadword = Fortran COMPLEX*8
3 VICAR2 Label Format
The VICAR2 label is in the form of an ASCII character string,
beginning at the first byte in the first record in the file. The label
may take up one or more records at the beginning of the file. If the
character string does not completely fill the final label record, the
remaining bytes in the record are set to the ASCII null value,
hexadecimal 00.
In some cases there may be an additional label record at the end of
the file, following the image data. This is indicated when the keyword
EOL has the value 1 (see description of keywords below).
3.1 The Keyword=Value Format
The label uses the KEYWORD=VALUE format for storing information
about the image. A list of standard keywords is given in section 3.3.
The maximum length of a keyword is 8 characters. A keyword is written
in all capital letters and is followed by an equals sign (=), which is
in turn followed by the value for the keyword. There are no spaces on
either side of the equals sign. The value is followed by one or more
spaces, in order to separate one KEYWORD=VALUE pair from the next. Here
is an example of one label item following another:
RECSIZE=1024 NL=1324
A keyword value may be one of four data types:
INTEGER A positive or negative integer including 0 which
does not contain a decimal point.
REAL A positive or negative number with a decimal
point and, optionally, an exponential (E+06, for
DOUBLE A real number with enough digits to make it
STRING A string delimited by single quotation marks (')
containing any printable ASCII characters and
spaces EXCEPT the single quotation mark. The
maximum length of a string is 512 characters,
and the minimum length is 1 character.
The first keyword in the label is always LBLSIZE, which specifies
the total number of bytes in the label, including any null bytes at the
end. Thus LBLSIZE will always be a multiple of the file's record size.
3.2 Two Parts of a VICAR2 Label
A label has two sections, the system label items and the history
label items. History label items are added to the label during
processing with VICAR software. It is possible for a label to contain
no history label items. If history label items do exist, they always
occur at the end of the label, following the last system label item.
The beginning of the history label section is marked by the occurrence
of the keyword TASK.
Thus, the system section of the label begins with the keyword
LBLSIZE, and ends in one of these three ways:
o with the appearance of the keyword TASK, which marks the
beginning of the history section of the label, OR
o with the appearance of an ASCII null value, hexadecimal 00, which
marks the end of the VICAR2 label (in which case there are no history
label items), OR
o after the number of characters specified by LBLSIZE (in which
case there are no history label items).
3.3 Standard Label Keywords
Here is a table of standard VICAR2 label keywords, divided into
system label items and history label items. Those marked with an
asterisk (*) are required to be present in order for the VICAR image
processing software to be able to process the label. LBLSIZE will
always be the first keyword in the label. The other system keywords may
follow in any order.
LBLSIZE* integer The length in bytes of the VICAR
label, including null bytes at the
BUFSIZE* integer The default blocksize used when the
file is written to tape.
DIM integer The dimension of the file (for flat
files, always 2).
EOL integer EOL=1 indicates that an end-of-file
label exists. In most cases EOL=0;
i.e., there is no end-of-file label.
FORMAT* character The data type of a sample. Valid
values are: BYTE, HALF (16-bit
integer), FULL (32-bit integer), REAL
(32-bit floating-point), DOUB (64-bit
floating-point) and COMPLEX (2 32-bit
HOST character Type of host computer. The only
current legal value is 'VAX-VMS'.
INTFMT character The integer format for the file. The
only current legal value is 'LOW'.
N1 integer Same as NL for simple files.
N2 integer Same as NS for simple files.
N3 integer Same as NB for simple files.
N4 integer Always 0 for simple files.
NB integer The number of bands. For simple
files, always 1.
NBB integer Number of bytes in the binary prefix
to each line. Always 0 for simple
NL* integer The number of lines in the image.
NLB integer The number of lines of binary header.
Always 0 for simple files.
NS* integer The number of samples per image line.
ORG character The organization of the file. For
simple files this is always BSQ (band
REALFMT character The real format for the file. The
only current legal value is 'VAX'.
RECSIZE* integer The number of bytes per record; i.e.,
NS*LEN, where LEN is the number of
bytes per sample as follows:
DAT_TIM character The date and time the program was run.
The format is DOW MON DD HH:MM:SS
YYYY, where
DOW = day of week (Mon, Tue, Wed,
MON = month (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.),
DD = day of month,
HH:MM:SS = hours, minutes, seconds,
YYYY = year.
An example of a date and time in this
format is 'Mon Jan 11 21:51:55 1990'.
TASK character The name of a VICAR program that has
processed the file's data.
USER character The identifier of the user that
invoked the program represented by the
preceding TASK keyword.
The history label section may also contain other keywords that are
specific to the program that was run. These are sometimes called user
labels. They are informational only; they are not interpreted by VICAR
software, but they are copied from input file to output file with the
other label keywords.